You may not even realize that some of your shower habits are causing damage to your plumbing.
Keeping your shower healthy, functioning properly, and structurally sound is a matter of maintaining a set of good habits. The way that you use your shower could be damaging your plumbing. Read on to learn more about making changes that will keep your plumbing in great condition.
Long Showers, High Heat
Many people love relaxing at the end of a long day with a hot, long shower. It sounds like a great way to soothe the body, but this hobby will negatively impact the function and health of your shower. Hot water near its highest temperatures can foster the growth of mold in your shower. Making sure that your bathroom is properly and adequately ventilated will help minimize this issue. After you shower, open a window in your bathroom or even just the door to your bedroom or hallway. Limit your showers to about 10 minutes to also minimize damage to your skin, including drying and itching.
Hair Down the Drain
It’s an issue that we’ve all faced at one time or another but figuring out a way to keep hair out of the drain is essential to maintaining the structure of your pipes. When we shower, hair and even other types of debris can clog and accumulate in the pipe system. One of the first signs of a clog is slow drainage but it will eventually lead to bigger issues, including corrosion. Use a drain cover or drain stop to protect your pipes from the debris. It allows you to catch the hair and debris and empty it into a trashcan rather than down your drain.
Remove the Loofah
Using a loofah can be a luxurious experience but at the end of your shower, you should remove it from the shower and store it elsewhere. Leaving the loofah in the warmth and moisture of the shower will foster the growth of bacteria, making it unhealthy to use and making your shower in general a less hygienic place.
Call Mahon Plumbing Today
If you’re ready to see how an upgrade can help your home, the experts at Mahon plumbing are here to help. Mahon Plumbing has been serving the Baltimore region’s plumbing needs since 1994. We’re ready to offer quality plumbing services and gas installation for both commercial and residential uses. Our tracks and employees are ready to handle the toughest of jobs.
For more information, follow our blog or check us out on Facebook or Twitter. We’re able to offer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week emergency services. Please contact our Baltimore location at 410-766-8566 and our Pasadena location at 410-636-7944 if you have any questions or are in need of emergency services.
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