Considering a bathroom remodel? Here’s what you need to know about your plumbing.
Spring has definitely sprung on the East Coast and what better time of year than the spring to start a home improvement project. Everyone wants to make their dream home, so chancesĀ are that you are in the middle of a remodel. Kitchen and bathrooms and super important during a remodel, so it is really vital that you consider plumbing when taking these projects on. When you begin your remodeling projects, you should call a plumber as soon as possible. This is also a great time to call a plumber because during a remodel, a lot of your pipes will be exposed. It is the perfect time for an inspection! Keep reading to see what you should be thinking about when it comes to your new home remodel and how that affects your plumbing.
How Much of Your Plumbing Should Be Replaced?
Of course, during your remodeling project, you will want to hope that your plumbing is in perfect condition. This, unfortunately, is not always the case. Ask your plumber if you need to replace any parts of your plumbing in order to accommodate new fixtures. This could include faucets, drains, and showerheads.
Be careful during your remodel to not damage any pipes or plumbing in the process. If you are busting down walls, you need to be extra delicate with it. Who knows where the pipes are in your walls before tearing them down, so you will want to be sure that you do not damage any pipes when doing your remodel. Always be careful and consult your local plumber first if you want to be sure you do not damage your plumbing in the process of your home remodel.
What Materials Should You Use?
If your plumbing needs to be fixed or even replaced, you need to know which materials you will need to use. The most common material for water pipes is copper. If you want to either install or replace copper pipes, definitely consult with your plumber first before doing any repairs by yourself. Copper piping requires soldering of course, so you should not try to do it yourself! If you do not want to use copper, you could opt to use PEX or PVC pipes instead. Both of these materials are code-compliant, cost-effective, and can even be better than copper depending on what you use them for.
Remodeling Questions? Call Mahon Plumbing Today!
If you still have questions regarding your home remodel and what that means for you plumbing situation, Mahon Plumbing is here to help you out. We have been serving the Baltimore area and beyond since 1994. We have the experience in our trained professionals to compliment our spectacular service. Feel free to give us a call at our Baltimore location at 410-766-8566 or our Pasadena location at 410-636-7944. For tips, tricks, and to see what we have been working on, please do not hesitate to follow us on Facebook or Twitter.