No one wants to come home to their sink and see drain flies in their plumbing. Try these methods of getting rid of them.
There are a lot of ways things can go wrong with your drain, though few things are just as frustrating as drain flies. Once you’ve got those nasty little flies circling around your drain, it seems nearly impossible to get rid of them. They buzz around and make your kitchen or even bathroom feel uninhabitable. If you’re dealing with this problem, you likely want to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible. Today, we want to take a look at how to get rid of drain flies once and for all so you don’t have to deal with this obnoxious plumbing problem.
What’s Causing It?
Drain flies aren’t harmful whatsoever, in fact they’re only about an eighth of an inch long. They breed inside your sewer lines, within your drain, or within septic tanks, but anywhere with water will do really. Drain flies are an indicator that you have some organic material stuck inside your drain, which is allowing them to lay their eggs. Spraying insecticide into your drain won’t work and is also dangerous, especially if you get it near where you prepare food, so instead you have to get rid of the source of the problem.
Easy Ways to Remove Drain Flies
First, you’re going to want to take a look at your drain and clean it so that there isn’t any build up of food or any other kind of organic sludge that might be attracting flies. You also want to do a quick cleanup of your kitchen; dispose of your trash and try to keep everything nice and covered from here on out. Don’t use a drain cleaner just yet! This should be a last resort, due to the fact that drain cleaners can damage your pipes and leave residue that will still let flies continue to thrive. Instead, dump a pot of boiling water down the drain twice a day for a whole week and see if that gets rid of the problem.
A Long-Term Solution
If the boiling water trick didn’t work, you may need a pro to step in and do a full drain cleaning. Armed with powerful scouring tools, they can make sure that all debris is removed from your drain and sewer lines so you don’t have to worry about the problem coming back any time soon. Drain flies could potentially point towards a bigger problem with your home’s plumbing, so getting it looked at by a professional can be a big help.
Call Mahon Plumbing Today
If you still have more questions regarding your plumbing, we here at Mahon Plumbing are here to help. We have been serving the wider Baltimore area since 1994, so we have the experience to back up our fantastic service! Call us at our Baltimore location at 410-766-8566 or our Pasadena location at 410-636-7944. Be sure to keep up with us on social media by following us on Facebook or Twitter.
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